November 2015
Congratulations to the November Student's of the Month.
These students are being recognized for displaying INTEGRITY!!
Student pictures are displayed at the front entrance of the school across from the office.
Brea - Ms. Lennox
Neko Broadhurst - Ms. Hughes
Angly Garcia - Dr. Boston
Alana Anderson - Ms. Smith
First Grade
Fiyin Idris - Ms. Drost
- Ms. Dunn
Michael Nwanguma - Ms. Phiri
Jayda Johnson - Mrs. DeLeon
Frdhsun Yylrt, zmtd. zh
Second Grade
Le'Niyah Parsons - Ms. A. Jones
Nina Anderson - Ms. Sanders
Michael Falby - Ms. Marshall
- Ms. McKay
Zion Ellmore- Mrs. Henson
Third Grade
Madison Hebron - Ms. Butler
Brandon Ford - Ms. Edwards
- Mrs. Mebane
- Mrs. Robinson
Sophia Hagan - Dr. Newsome
Fourth Grade
- Mrs. Reddick
Nazari Boddie - Ms. Hannon
Wahid Wheeler - Mrs. Moon
- Ms. Simmons
Fifth Grade
Caleb Winters - Ms. Louden
- Mrs. D'Onofrio
Daniella Nat-Davies - Mrs. Pough
Courtney Foust - A. Jones